Facelift: how to choose a method to tighten the skin

Timely use of skin care products can delay the appearance of age-related changes in the face, but not stop. When the skin loses elasticity and firmness and the outline "floats", ways must be found to correct the situation. Modern cosmetology offers an alternative to radical surgery. We will talk about facial renewal with the help of various lifting procedures.

Plasmolifting is an injection method for rejuvenating the facial skin

At a certain age, the skin becomes dull, swollen, wrinkles appear more and more. The face appears tired due to sloping eyebrows and eyelids and the appearance of rashes. Visual signs of aging, visible to others, do not increase a woman's optimism.

All of these points are related to changes in the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). This is an area in the facial muscles that stretches over time, causing the outline to "slip". Muscles can no longer keep their skin in good shape. Mechanical cosmetics help with safe, effective and less trauma than plastic surgery methods to tighten the skin. are SMAS facelifts and other technologies.

What is a facelift

The easiest way to tighten your skin is to use a cream. You can do a daily facelift at home if you stock up on valuable jars. It's much cheaper than hardware cosmetology and moreover not so scary.

Face cream is divided into day and night, with a narrow purpose - aging against aging. They can also vary significantly in consistency (gel, light or rather dense). Pay attention to the composition: there must be collagen, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, fats and vitamins. Cosmetologists' reviews of some facial cosmetics are positive if you start using them from the age of 30 and do so regularly.

Natural masks also give a slight lifting effect, you can safely combine them with advanced cosmetic development. For example, a mask of oatmeal and olive oil. Another option is a strawberry mask (+ egg whites and a few drops of apricot oil) or cucumber (+ white clay and lemon juice).

Facial lifting serum has gained popularity among beauticians, helping to fight wrinkles and tighten oval. The product must also contain essential elements for rejuvenation, such as creams, as well as peptide complexes. Such a home lift is an essential part of Korean skincare.

Many women do facelifts with a facial massager. For example, jade reduces inflammation and supports lymphatic function. It is well suited for shaping contours and training dense muscles such as the masticatory muscle.

If you decide to go for a facelift at the beautician, you need to prepare for the operation. Remember some important rules.

  • Two weeks before the facelift, you should stop smoking (as it affects your blood circulation) and after, during the recovery period, too.
  • Do not take anticoagulants for two weeks.
  • The day before the operation, it is recommended to wash your hair so as not to infect the infection and get a good night's sleep.
  • On average, a facelift takes from 1 to 4 hours. Anesthesia is used depending on its complexity.
  • After the operation, it is necessary to stop drinking for some time, to avoid stress.

Facelift procedures

Plastic surgery comes to the rescue when age-related changes can no longer be fixed with cosmetic surgery.

Circular skin seal

With circular tension, the doctor works only with the top layer of the skin. That's why it's so often called superficial. Lifting the face and neck in this way helps to smooth out wrinkles and correct oval shape. Most often we are talking about correction in the following areas:

  • the middle part of the face;
  • frontotemporal area;
  • outer part of the eyebrow;
  • cheeks;
  • area around the corner of the eye;
  • front and side surfaces of the neck.

After the operation you will have to stay in the hospital and after a week the stitches will be removed. The inflammation should be completely gone after eight weeks. During this period, your doctor may recommend massage and physical therapy. You can evaluate the photo taken before and after the facelift operation. The result will be apparent in about 6 months. Main nuances of circular lift:

  • It is considered the most shocking and serious of all interventions.
  • The effect lasts for several years - it is desirable to repeat it after ten years.
  • It is not recommended for women under 40 years of age.
  • Subcutaneous lifting only affects the upper layers of the skin - for minor corrections.
  • Smas-lifting involves tightening not only the skin of the face, but also the fat and muscle tissue. This is a deeper intervention to correct strong shortcomings.

During the rehabilitation period, you do not have to wash your hair for a week, sleep with your face up for the first three days. Also, for three months, avoid doing sports, visiting the pool and sauna.

Endoscopic facelift

Endoscopic lifting solves the problem of lowering the eyebrows, eliminating facial wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows. It also corrects the volume loss of the zygomatic area and eliminates the nasal fracture. Lifting the upper third of the face is also compatible with vasodilation and lifting the lower third of the face and neck. With this method, small incisions are made in the scalp, not long, no technique to remove skin. No need to shave your hair.

If the age-related changes are moderately severe, the operation will be as effective and as painless as possible. And it will help to rejuvenate the face. But with significant deviations, you have to turn to the previous method. Recovery time for facelift is about the same as for facelift. Like a ban on the recovery period. Hue endoscopic approach:

  • There are no visible scars, but for some time traction sensations in the area of the seams may interfere.
  • Allowed patients from 30 to 45 years.
  • The anti-aging effects last for five or more years - depending on the individual characteristics.

As with circular facelifts, endoscopic intervention is unacceptable for people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, internal organs and other health problems.

Thread facelift

It is considered a minor operation with threads made of different materials. They strengthen and support the frame. Instead, when they dissolve, collagen appears, which improves the elasticity of the skin. The method allows you to remove deep wrinkles, correct the oval face and lift the eye and back corners. Among surgeries, this facelift can be called the best.

Threads are inserted under the skin through a needle. The doctor notches and stretches the skin, fixing the threads in the tissue. Connecting threads form around them after a while. They will fix the face in a rigid condition. Other nuances of the process:

  • The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
  • The operation takes about 40 minutes, no more than an hour.
  • Allowed for girls from 30 years, but not suitable for women after 45 years.
  • Obesity is a strict contraindication - threads can not withstand the stresses of many tissues.
  • There is no rehabilitation period, remnants of stings disappear in three days.
  • It is important to take good care of your face in terms of facial expressions - it is forbidden to laugh, cry and express violent feelings for a few days.

Non-surgical facelifts

Every woman would want to look more beautiful and younger without surgery. In addition, choose a method that has a long-lasting effect. We will talk about the most effective.

Radio Wave Face Lift (RF Lift)

The method is compared to rejuvenating apples, where the changes are noticeable almost immediately. With the help of high frequency and vacuum radio waves, your doctor can fix the following deficiencies:

  • skin folds and wrinkles;
  • other chin, "floating" oval face;
  • enlarged pores;
  • shrinkage scar, after acne;
  • pigmentation and redness;
  • crow's feet and bags under the eyes;
  • tighten sagging and sagging skin.

Judging by the reviews, most patients are happy with the result after RF facelift. About 90% of women notice the rapid effects of rejuvenation and skin tightening, changes that are visible to the naked eye. The method has many advantages:

  • Allowed at any time of the year.
  • The process takes about 20 minutes and does not require anesthesia.
  • A pleasant warmth in the area makes the function attractive.
  • The effect lasts for several months and lasts for about two years.
  • There are no age restrictions.

In addition to facelifts, RF lifts can also be performed on the body. Your doctor can fix problem areas such as the hips, abdomen, décolleté and neck. Also get rid of excess skin that appears due to heavy weight loss. The price for such a facelift varies depending on the area you want to correct.

Facelift machines are available for sale that can be used at home. They are inferior in terms of efficiency than professionals. In addition, you need to be careful when exposed to vacuum. This should still be done by a specialist.

Ultrasonic facelift

Most operations do not go deeper than one and a half millimeters, left in the skin. Ultrasonic facelift is yet another hardware technology capable of deepening tissue at a deep level - the SMAS level. Up to 5 ml are available for the procedure. It removes the "flies", the second chin, sagging skin, evens out its lightness, tightens the neck muscles. The colors of the braces are as follows:

  • The operation takes about an hour, the sensation is moderately painful.
  • After the cycle, redness of the skin and slight swelling are possible.
  • After SMAS lifting, the face continues to look younger - the effect is considered cumulative and grows for about five months.
  • A continuous result is given for 5 years after one cycle.

Face lifts needles

Radio wave energy with the help of this hardware method is delivered to the skin layer from 0, 5 to 3, 5 mm. Microneedles reach the depth determined by your doctor. As a result, the skin immediately contracts and thickens. After one and a half months, the regeneration process and synthesis of new collagen begins.

Multi-needle facelift is performed under local anesthesia in the form of a cream. You can be without it. For this, the skin is cleansed with an antiseptic. The doctor performs the operation using disposable cartridges with needles, the type of nozzle is discussed in the consultation. The eagle needles are gold-plated. Lifting can solve various problems.

  • Tighten the skin around the eyes.
  • Correct the contours of the face and skin.
  • Align the relief of the skin, narrowing the pores.
  • Heal scars and stretch marks.
  • Increases the elasticity of the skin.
  • Remove spider veins.

For about two days, the face may be red, inflammation is noticeable. The results are immediately visible, but the skin condition improves within a month. This is due to the production of collagen-elastin scaffolding.

Plasma lift in the face

The method is injectable and involves the introduction of platelet-rich plasma from the patient's own blood. Human plasma contains the substances fibrin and collagen. It will not cause allergies and is biologically compatible with tissues that need to be restored.

This method triggers natural aging processes. The operation is performed without anesthesia and after it there is usually not even inflammation, only a small bruise is possible. Skin sealing corrects the following defects:

  • unwanted pigments;
  • loss of elasticity, exacerbation of turgor;
  • noticeably mimicking wrinkles;
  • skin fractures;
  • gray and "tired" appearance of the face;
  • after acne and acne;
  • scars and stretch marks on the skin;
  • hair loss and poor condition.

The method is used on any part of the body that has defects. It can be performed by individuals from 18 to 65 years - it is better in winter and autumn. Positive effects after a facelift are noticeable after 10 days. Someone starts liking the reflection in the mirror after the first injection. The result depends on age, skin condition and body characteristics as in all operations.